
CHRISTMAS is here.

I love Christmas. More than I should really.

Many have already seen this video and/or heard of the Advent Conspiracy, but I implore those who haven't to watch this.
I have already jumped on the anti-commercialism Christmas bandwagon (ten gold stars for me!), but it was refreshing to be reminded that our celebration and ultimate focus for this season should have nothing to do with gifts, decorating, or even songs.


Preach it, Relient K.

If you haven't noticed, Christians are widely known for specializing in hypocrisy and apathy. I'm most definitely guilty of this. And I'm pretty sure at one point you were, too. The whole routine of getting the summer camp high and checking in for the weekly church fill we have mastered has led us to live a life that is unrepentant and really not at all different from that of an unbeliever.

I'm not too fond of posting up lyrics, but I feel compelled to. It's out of my hands, really. I know it's really tedious to look through every single verse, but it's worth it.
Whether you're a (used-to-be) fan or not, Relient K addresses this issue perfectly. It's funny 'cause I wasn't even listening to this song when I was thinking about it...


And this week the trend
was to not wake up till 3pm
I picked the few conscious hours that I chose to spend
and slept away the rest of them

And this week the trend
was to crash and burn and then return again
to practice the life that I pretend
provides enough to get me through the weekend

So I say
get me a solution
and watch me run with it
And then you gave
you gave me a solution
what have I done with it?
'Cause I was absolutely sure I had it all figured out
way back then
and now it's this minute, this hour, this day

And this week the trend
was to backstab every single one of my friends
and leave a voicemail message trying to make amends
all the while hoping things work out in the end

And this week the trend
was to borrow all the strength that you could lend
to keep my head above the water and not descend
back to where I said I'd never go again

And I just want to get mugged at knifepoint
to get cut enough to wake me up
cause I know that I don't want to die
sitting around watching my life go by
And what we take from this is what we'll get and we haven't quite figured it out just yet
because all of us are all too stuck
strapped to a chair watching our lives blow up
stuck watching our lives blow up

Yes, I still listen to ALL of their albums. Am I ashamed? NOPE.


I heart Man Choir.

We're doing this at Celebrate Christmas this year. I'm stoked.

I highly recommend coming to the event. It's all of APU's School of Music coming together and performing some amazing shows.


I'm not done yet.

I love the Alpha program, more than you will ever know. It's not even a forced love. It is natural and God-ordained. I know, it's weird. But I absolutely love it. Maaaaybe that's why I'm applying for AC. More on that later...

Alpha Group 26. (Minus Alyssa...)

Team Got Some.

God, I thank you for interaction, relationships, and genuine community.

I forgot...

what it feels like to cry because of overwhelming gratitude and pure joy.

It is the best.


*cough cough*

I'm sick. And it sucks. The end.

I lied. I'm not done yet.

Why is it that when we (Christians) get sick, our default action is to ask God for prayer. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that of course, but why is our prayer life limited to when we need help? It's like, "Oh no, I think I have [a sore throat/a financial need/overwhelming guilt/"issue of the week"]. Oh yeah God, I forgot you existed for a little bit. Can you help me out and fix it really quick?"
I guess that goes with the whole principle of using God as our last resort, which I am so guilty of. And the even bigger principle of letting God know His effectiveness in limiting Him to 'this much'. I just realized how much I hate people limiting me to something, telling me what my boundaries are. Imagine being omnipotent and having people tell you what you can and can't do or be.
We say, "He is Lord." I'm just not sure if we really mean it.


That's all. Good night.


Remember that one time...

I had a blog?
Yeah, I have to admit it is pretty ridiculous I haven't blogged in about eight months. (And I probably won't again for another eight months...) Regardless, I am attempting to revive this slowly dying blog... Interestingly enough, I have been thinking about starting vlogs (video blogs), but that's a whole different story.

So, what's the issue that's so pressing and urgent that I felt the compulsion to break the trend and actually blog about it? This is it:

I feel like one of the most influential and beautiful moments in global history is the end of the Apartheid in South Africa. That makes Nelson Mandela one of the most influential and beautiful people in the world.
I seriously could go off on how much the history of South Africa inspires me (which is ironic that I don't plan to study abroad there), but I'm not. And even though actions of hurt and hate are still very much prevalent throughout the country, it has been transformed from what it used to be.

This is why I haven't lost hope in Hollywood.
And of course, they would cast Morgan Freeman as him.